
Class of 2024 
IB Diploma results

Unlike many schools in Singapore, CIS is an academically inclusive institution which means that all CIS students have the opportunity to pursue the IB Diploma. The small number of students whose career paths require an intensive focus related to career ambitions follow an equally rigorous customised hybrid approach to graduation.

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We are delighted to highlight the exceptional achievements of our Grade 12 students in the May 2023/2024 International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma examinations. Our 35th graduating class, the CIS Class of 2024, attained an impressive passing average of 35 points, surpassing the world average of 30.32 points.

2024 IB results

CIS average score


Pass rate

Highest score
2 students


Bilingual diploma

Score of 40+
Score of 38+

25 Students

38 Students

World ranked universities

Our graduates are bound for leading universities globally including Ivy league schools, and will be pursuing a range of different disciplines.

Imperial College London


University of Cambridge


Stanford University


National University of Singapore


University College London


Range of disciplines

Engineering Business
& Economics
Humanities Design, arts,
& built environment
& medicine

University destinations

The remainder of CIS graduates will be participating in National Service or taking a gap year.

While we celebrate our Class of 2024 IB diploma results, our students are much more than the mere sum of their IB scores. They are emerging scientists, artists, researchers, engineers and entrepreneurs. Their time with us was a remarkably productive and rewarding partnership. We look forward to seeing where their next set of challenges and opportunities will take them.

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