Jane Martuneac 1
Jane Martuneac
Chinese-English Bilingual Programme Vice Principal

Staff spotlight

If you'd like to learn about some of our highly qualified educators at CIS, take a few minutes to watch our One Minute Story videos. If you'd like to learn more, we'd like to invite you to come visit us in person to meet more of our team.

Jane Martuneac 1
Jane Martuneac
Chinese-English Bilingual Programme Vice Principal
Robert Vohan 1
Robert Vohan
Grade 3 English Lead
Daniel Hartig
Daniel Hartig
Music Coordinator
Chris Lee
Chris Lee
Grade 7 Level Lead

With nearly 300 qualified teachers, from over 25 countries, we are perfectly positioned to deliver on our vision to students aged 2 to 18. We believe that the diversity of our teaching body is important as we deliver a curriculum, not exclusively Canadian, that draws from the best curricula globally.

Over 81% of our teachers have multiple degrees or postgraduate qualifications, and many have IB experience (eg IB examiners, IB workshop leaders, etc). Many of our support staff are Singaporean, providing a unique connection to our home country of Singapore.

Perhaps more important though is our teachers’ commitment to developing in our students the skills that they will need in order to navigate an ever changing world. This happens across all levels of the school - from Kindergarten all the way through to Grade 12.

At CIS, our commitment to ongoing professional development sees us hosting a range of professional development workshops for our own teachers, IB teachers and leaders in the region, and educators from the greater regional community.

You can view our staff directory to learn more.

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