
CIS STEAM approach

The CIS STEAM approach ensures that our students are motivated, capable of making informed decisions and able to find solutions for problems that the real world is facing.

STEAM helps our students make connections across subject areas as they invent, analyse and explore concepts. This mode of learning is motivating and engaging because it is relevant and relates to the real world.

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Our student-centred, inquiry-based approach ensures that teamwork and communication are a major focus in STEAM activities. Our students, from Kindergarten to Secondary School, have the freedom to think critically, creatively, and innovatively as we challenge them to find solutions to problems. Even if they fail the first time, they are inspired to try again in a safe and supportive learning environment.

Our STEAM makerspaces are spaces that encourage the sharing of resources and knowledge and learning through hands-on exploration. Our makerspaces are part lab, part shop, part conference room, and are designed to foster a culture of teamwork, collaboration and design thinking. In these spaces, our students build and work on projects together, using equipment that is both traditional (wood working machinery and sewing machines) and cutting edge (makerbot 3D printers, GCC laser engravers and cutting machines and newspaper styxx rolling machines).

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